Cell Culture

To support advancements in the field of Stem Cell Research, Drug Development and Regenerative Medicine, Lonza provides extensive portfolio of products including human and animal cells, culture system as well as various reagents to facilitate reprogramming, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells.

To support advancements in the field of Stem Cell Research, Drug Development and Regenerative Medicine, Lonza provides extensive portfolio of products including human and animal cells, culture... read more »
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Cell Culture

To support advancements in the field of Stem Cell Research, Drug Development and Regenerative Medicine, Lonza provides extensive portfolio of products including human and animal cells, culture system as well as various reagents to facilitate reprogramming, proliferation and differentiation of stem cells.

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Item No. Short Description Content
BEBP18-936 TheraPEAK MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Growth Medium (BEBP12-934Q + 2xBEBP13-935Z5) KT
BEBP12-934Q TheraPEAK MSCGM Mesenchymal SC Basal Medium 1 L
BEBP15-933D eCHO Basal Medium, serum-free, chemically defined, powder 10 L
BE15-932D eCHO Feed Medium, serum-free, chemically defined, powder 10 L
260280.01 human Leukopak 2.5 Billion
260240.01 human Leukopak 9 Billion
260260.01 human Leukopak 5 Billion
BAA-1009 CytoSmart TM Exact FL Fluorescence Cell Counter 1
KAB-1009 CytoSmart TM Lux3 BR device, Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield monitoring of biological cells 1 PC
HCB-1003 CytoSmart Lux2 2-Year-Warranty Extension Package 1 PC
KED-1009 CytoSmart TM Multi Lux3 BR, Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield monitoring of biological cells 4 PC
HCC-1003 CytoSmart Lux2 5-Year-Warranty Extension Package 1 PC
OMA-1007 Organoid Counting Software 1 PC
JAB-1004 CytoSmart TM Lux2 Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield monitoring of biological cells 1 PC
MAB-1008 CytoSmart TM Lux3 FL device, Live imaging system for in-incubator, brightfield and fluorescent monitoring of biological cells 1 PC
ONA-1002 Starter License Key for one CytoSmart TM device, 1 year CytoSmart TM Connect license for unlimited online data storage, sharing & analysis 1 PC
VXA-1003 CytoSmart TM Connect Cloud FR Licence for one device, Cloud storage and image analysis for the lifespan 1 PC
CC-3170 BEGM Bronchial Epithelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3171+CC-4175) KT
192627 NHEK-Ad, single donor recomm. in KGM-Gold >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-2540S NHBE Human Bronchial Epi Cells, w/ RA for B-ALI; rec. in BEGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-3162 EGM-2 Endothelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-4176+CC-3156) KT
CC-3202/6 EGM-2 MV Microvascular Endothelial 6x BulletKit (CC-3156+CC-4147) 6-PACK
BEBP12-029Q ProCHO 4 Protein-free CHO Medium w/ Phenol Red, FFM 1 L
CC-2511 NHDF-Ad Human Dermal Fibroblasts recomm. in FGM-2 >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
LZ-CC-3202 EGM-2 MV Microvascular Endothelial BulletKit (CC-4147+CC-3156) KT
BELN12-771Q PowerCHO 2 Serum-free Medium chemically defined, FFM 1 L
CC-4127 REGM Renal Epithelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3132 FGM-2 Fibroblast Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3131+CC-4126) KT
CC-3245 SkGM-2 Skeletal Muscle Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3244+CC-3246) KT
CC-3182 SmGM-2 Smooth Muscle Growth Medium-2 BulletKit (CC-3181+CC-4149) KT
CC-5012 Trypsin/EDTA solution 100 ml
BE02-060F X-VIVO 15 Medium w/ L-Gln, Gentamicin and Phenol Red 500 ml
LZ-4Y-101C human Mobilized CD34+ 1 million cells CRYO-AMP
CC-4176 EGM-2 Endothelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3151 MEBM Mammary Epithelial Basal Medium 500 ml
CC-3150 MEGM Mammary Epithelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3151+CC-4136) KT
CC-5035 EGM-Plus Endothelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-4542+CC-5036) KT
CC-5034 ReagentPack subculture reagents 100 ml
CC-4542 EGM-Plus Endothelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3156 EBM-2 Endothelial Basal Medium 500 ml
CC-4133 EGM Endothelial Growth Medium SingleQuots KT
CC-3124 EGM Endothelial Growth Medium BulletKit (CC-3121+CC-4133) KT
192060 KGM-Gold KERATINCYte Growth Medium BulletKit (00192151+00192152) KT
CC-2541 NHBE Human Bronchial Epi Cells, w/o RA recomm. in BEGM >500'000 cells CRYO-AMP
CC-4147 EGM-2 MV Microvascular Endothelial SingleQuots KT
R-DRG-505 R-DRG Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons 200'000 cells CRYO-AMP
51226 AccuGENE 10X PBS, pH 7.4 17 mM KH2PO4, 50 mM Na2HPO4, 1.5 M NaCl 1 L
51225 AccuGENE 1X PBS, pH 7.4 1.7 mM KH2PO4, 5 mM NaH2PO4, 150 mM NaCl 1 L
CC-4519 5-Bromo-2'deoxyuridine 1 vial
PT-3102B Adipogenic Induction Medium
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